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the necessities *
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Here are the rules and the plot. Make sure you read these before you join!

Moderator: head admin !

2 2 the plot *
by head admin !
Apr 29, 2009 19:31:47 GMT -5
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shout outs *

This is the announcements board. We admins and moderators will update it from time to time. So keep updated on it.

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going away *
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Here you can tell us if you're going on a vacation, or if you're going to be inactive for awhile. That way, we don't think you've abandoned us and we delete your account.

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the staff *

Here is the staff board, our secret hang-out where we discuss things we don't want the members knowing about. So, even if you wanted to get in, you can't!

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the applications *

Post your applications here! And do not post unfinished biographies. If you do you will receive a warning and if it is not down by the next day (or completely finished), it will be deleted. And please, please use the code and follow the rules.

Sub-board: denied *

3 4 Jude Roosevelt
by Jude Roosevelt
Jul 6, 2009 11:41:12 GMT -5
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the accepted *
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All of the accepted applications are thrown here and put in their given category. Once your application is moved here, you can go and start role-playing and claiming and plotting and such.

Sub-boards: George Peterson High School *, Charles Peterson Academy for Alternative Studies *

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face claims *

This is the claims board. Once you're ready to role-play, come here to post your claim on your play-by.

1 1 face claims ;
by head admin !
Apr 29, 2009 19:16:10 GMT -5
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plotting *

Everyone wants a little a drama (or a lot) in their life, and here's the place to start it. Post your plot pages and/or requests up here and people will notice.

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address book *
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Make your claims to phone numbers and AIM screennames. You'll find the claim threads in here and basic inquiries for screennames and phone numbers.

2 4 phone claims ;
by Jude Roosevelt
Jul 6, 2009 10:31:40 GMT -5
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Here you can start your IM's with your characters. Your screenname must be on the claims list before you do so, though.

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phones *
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Texting, calling, voicemails, all of that great stuff! It's always best to keep your phone in your pocket or your purse, you never know when you might get an important phone call. But remember, you can't post here until your phone number is on the claims list!

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This is the website of Charles Peterson Academy for Alternative Studies, it's here to keep you updated on the newest things happening in the school. Also for enrollment information, education information, and who is teaching your child.

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Make sure you stay aware as to what's happening in your local high school. Here's the information on everything going on inside George Peterson High School.

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principal's office *
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The school's secretary greets you. Usually, if you find yourself here, you're either in trouble, getting a praise, or your parent has come to pick you up early from school. If you're in trouble, good luck!

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the hallways *
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Don't linger and don't be late! Blue lockers line the tiled hallways of George Peterson. Hall monitors? There are only three within the school because most of the teacher's like to keep a look-out themselves, ushering students to their classes. Remember, you only have six minutes between periods!

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classes *

Ahh. there are seven hours in the day, the first and second both technically free hours for all of the grades. The classes are the worse part of school and no on like sthem, but in order for us to learn, they have to be here - along with the teachers.

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cafeteria *

We all have to eat sometime, right? Students come here at their lunch period. The school's lunch is sometimes alright but most of the kids bring their own bagged lunch. It's probably safer if you do.

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gymnasium *
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Only the jocks seem to like Phys Ed. these days. Sweating isn't exactly the new fashion. The gymnasium is big and three climbing ropes hang from the rafters. Usually the bleachers are set up against the wall during the day.

Sub-boards: the boy's locker room *, the girl's locker room *

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outside *

Outside is where most of the students roam on their free periods. The courtyard settles in the back of the High School, blossoming trees have been planted there to give life to the benched area. In the front is the usual parking lot and stairs leading up into the school, while further to the west side of George Peterson is the school's track and football field.

Sub-boards: cross-country track *, football field *

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principal's office *

Now, if you're sent here, it only means bad, bad, bad. There's no such thing as a good student here in Charles Peterson High School (the kids call it that even though it's Charles Peterson Academy, 'academy' sounds to frilly for them). It's the last resort, the high school for the delinquents who got expelled from George Peterson. And being sent down to the principal's office is never good news for these students.

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the hallways *
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Unlike George Peterson's clean, kept-together hallways, Charles Peterson's hallways are littered with papers and pencils and books, the tan lockers are scribbled on with sharpie as are the walls and doors. Obscene phrases and words can be found on every other locker. Some of the lockers are missing locks also, or are dented, and a few have no doors on the whatsoever.

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the classes *
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Most of the desks are scratched on with pencil, the wood coming off, the chairs detaching with every squeak. The walls are scratched and written. Most of the classrooms have chalkboards, but they're never used because the chalk is always missing.

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cafeteria *
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Oh, this place could be classified as the lunchroom of Hell. Half of the lunch tables are gone because they were ridden with gum and broken basically in half. Most of the kids eat outside, anyways. The food is shit and almost everyone brings their own bagged lunch, but those unfortunate enough to not have brought their own food must eat the roadkill cafeteria food. The whole place is vandalized senseless, multi-colored sharpie takes up the walls and tables in varied handwritings.

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gymnasium *
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Oh good God, don't even get me started. Most of the equipment is rusted and broken, or somehow burnt by some delinquent that decided to sneak in and light the climbing ropes on fire. The stuffing is coming out of the mats that are used for gymnastics and inside baseball, and the coach is a slacker anyways. He usually takes the class out to the football field and lets them loose.

Sub-board: the boy's locker room *

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outside *
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Charles Peterson High School was always smaller than George Peterson High School. When the brother's had built the schools, they hadn't really particulated on size, but on the curriculum and quality. There's a simple parking lot for the teachers and students, a courtyard around the side for eating. Charles Peterson High doesn't have any steps leading up to the entrance, but there is a basement that is used for storage only. There is a small football field out back and that's it when it comes to sports.

Sub-board: football field *

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homes *

Unless you're eighteen and have a place of your own, you have to be living somewhere, right? Or are you a hobo?

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the magnificent mile *
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One of the great avenues of the world. Welcome one and all, to the Magnificent Miles, full of great shops and restaurants. There's even a trolley! This place is great place to shop or even just hang out with your friends.

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loft six ten *

Loft Six Ten is one of the most popular clubs in Chicago. It's fairly new, it opened last summer, and everyone who's anyone goes here. The great thing about Loft Six Ten? They don't take I.D.'s (mostly because the owner's son is under twenty-one) and they hand out drinks like there's no tomorrow (of course you have to pay).

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radiostar *
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RadioStar is the local bar, it's a cabaret also. Dance, dance, dance as they always say. The drinks here are better than Loft Six Ten's, but this place takes I.D.'s and are quite strict on handing out strong drinks like shots. If you're a high school student, make sure you have your fake I.D. on you!

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grant park *
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The park where almost everyone can be found. A pond lays in the middle, and during the winter it freezes over and becomes a ice rink. During the summer, though, it's off limits to swimmers, but you can ride a small boat on it. A bridge is built over the pond, where the couples hang-out. Trees come in plentiful portions here and it's basically just a beautiful place all year round.

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member lounge *

Come here to unwind and relax. Here you can talk with your fellow members on ASC about what's hip and happenin'

Sub-board: games *

1 1 ``entertainment? I'll show you entertainment!;
by Jude Roosevelt
Jul 6, 2009 10:07:13 GMT -5
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graphic gallery *
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We all do it when we're bored: Make graphics. So, if you think you're good enough then start a thread! Also, members feel free to make a thread here for a graphic request if you're no good at them.

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archives *

If you find that your old thread is missing, you should look here. It was most likely moved into the archives because it was just taking up space. If we move your thread here and it was still going on, just tell us where it was and we'll put it back.

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friends *
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Do you want to advertise or affiliate with us? Just post your advertisements or affiliations here, only here.

Sub-boards: advertise *, affiliate *, link-back *

30 32 WonderWhy
by Moonrose
Jan 20, 2012 11:39:48 GMT -5


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